Archival grade DVD´s

Archival grade Hybrid DVD-disc - info

We use archival grade Gold/Silver Hybrid DVD´s of the highest quality.


Many believe that there is no difference in quality in DVD´s from different manufacturers, but the difference can be huge. The best discs using expensive and stable materials in several layers to achive long lifetime for the media and sustain the highest quality.


Gold has a very high density, it is stable and stands firmly against the test of time. Cheaper DVD´s have problems with oxidation of the reflective layer, gold does not oxidize.


The difference in stability and long term storage capability could mean that the cheaper disc´s are unreadable within ten years, while those with DVD´s of a higher quality has nothing to worry about. Their films are safe. They have dozens, perhaps hundreds of years left before their disc´s will fail.


Since your footage is both priceless and irreplaceable, we use the best DVD´s available.

Your film´s are worth it.


We give you DVD´s you can trust, of the highest quality.

